Monday 20 October 2014

We have come to the end of our Materials topic in Science. This week we have been learning about what happens to food and materials when they are heated and if they are reversible or not!
Watch this video to see what happens when a material is heated and why this happens.

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Can you help us??????

This autumn Flora and Stork, in partnership with Tesco, are running an amazing scheme called Tubs4Tablets. The scheme aims to help our school bring cutting edge technology into the classroom by giving us the opportunity to collect tokens from special tubs of Flora and Stork on sale at Tesco through early October and exchange them for FREE touch screen tablets! We need to collect as many tokens as possible, these can be found on promotional 500g tubs of Flora Original, Light and Buttery and Stork. Just 50 tokens will get our school one brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0” Wi-Fi 8GB tablet. (The tokens are on the foil inside)

In Maths this week we have been learning how to weigh things using grams and kilograms. Can you look around your home and find things that have this standard measure on them.
REMEMBER!!!! 1000g= 1kg

Also we have been looking at how to measure how long or tall an object is in cm or m.
REMEMBER!!! 100CM= 1 M
This week in Literacy, we have started a new unit about following and writing instructions. Can you find any instructions at home and share them with your class?

Our phoneme focus this week is the 'ow/ou' sound. Play these games to help you read and write words with this sound.

Saturday 11 October 2014

31 Promises For October

In R.E this week we will be learning about psalms. Psalms are songs of praise to God.

Tuesday 7 October 2014

In Maths this week we are learning about 2D and 3D shape. Click on the link below  to learn our shape song!
Our Blog is up and running again! It will be updated every week with exciting information and games about what we are learning during that week.

Dont forget, our KS1 Mass which year 2 are leading is on Monday 13th October at 1.45pm in the school hall.The theme of our Mass is friendship and we would love to see you all there.